Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind®

Habit 2 is the habit of vision. In Habit 1, we saw that we have the freedom to choose. In this habit, we get to decide where to go and what we want to create.

The computer is a great metaphor for the first three habits:

Habit 1: I am the programmer
Habit 2: I write the program
Habit 3: I run the program

The principle of Habit 2 is that Mental Creation Precedes Physical Creation. Everything human beings make has been created at least twice: first in the mind as an idea or design and second in the physical creation process. Highly effective people create everything twice-whether it be meetings, projects, key conversations, or their own lives. First in their planning and then in the world.

Highly effective people take time to clarify outcomes. They approach projects, meetings, relationships and their life with a plan or design in mind. Ineffective people live by default. Life happens to them. They act before envisioning a clear outcome. They are at the mercy of circumstances and other people.

Do you Begin With the End in Mind

At the start of every meeting?
At the beginning of every day, every week?
When you begin a new project?
Before you begin a crucial conversation?

An important component of Habit 2 is to have a Personal Mission Statement. Such a statement can clarify what is important to you. That in turn can help you in designing your life. If you don't know what your Life Mission is, how do you decide what should be the goal of your relationships, of your work, of your leisure time? You can find a Personal Mission Statement Builder at http://www.franklincovey.com/msb/.

This habit, of course, is a no-brainer for triathletes. Our life is full of goals: the next race, the Personal Record we want to achieve at that event, our weight, the number of repetitions with the barbells, etc. For me, these goals are critical. At the moment, the big goal is Ironman Cozumel in 34 days. I have set my goal finish time. I have set goal paces for the swim, bike and run. Every day when I train, I am focused because I am not just running, I am training for an Ironman on December 1. Having that End in Mind makes all the difference.

As you approach your life in the coming week, I invite you to take the time to envision your desired outcomes before you act. When that becomes a habit, you are taking an important step in designing your own life.

Next time: Habit 3: Put First Things First.

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